L. Szondi

Szondi Institut
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Personality Developments
The Latin Section

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Joyeux Noël et Bon Nouvelle Année

Felices Navidades y Próspero Ano  Nuevo

Que tengas un buen Natal y un año lleno de realizaciones

S Novym Godom i S Rozhdestvom Hristovym

Xvième Colloque of ls SIS, 15 –17 juillet 1999

The ill treated woman in the light of the Szondi model.



(translated by Leo Berlips, editor. Any deviation of the original text in this translation is the whole responsibility of your editor. However, asI am not a professional translator I hope you have some patience with my mistakes)

It is the natural condition of women to disdain the one who loves them and to love the one who abhors them



This work intends the study of the ill treated woman by means of the theory and the test of Szondi. On the basis of the Szondi model we offer the first results of the investigation that we are carrying out with a group of ill treated women: at great length we analyzed the vectorial configurations obtained with the test and the personality profile that we obtained from them, taking like normative reference the remarkable investigation done in Navarre by Soto Yárritu.

The psychological characteristics of the profile, passivity, conservativism, dependency, repression and negation, allow to make a hypothesis on the conflicting affective bond of the ill treated woman with violent and aggressive individuals, and on the affective selection that preceded it.

Ill treatment in marriage

Obviously the phenomenon of the conjugal ill treatment has received a special resonance in the modern society. The present data relative to victims of physical ill treatment reach values that have produced and produce social alarm. From the scope of psychology, the theoretical treatment given to the problem has been plural, and even divergent when not contradictory, with predominance of the basically descriptive argumentations which try to explain the problem. We asked ourselves about the process preceding the ill treatment, that is to say, the one of the affective selection of the two, seen from the Szondian discoveries on the dynamics of the human selection. We regard as important to study the mechanisms that act in this process (the meeting, the attraction) and how they intervene in the formation of the affective bond, that in some cases happens to be extremely painful and destructive.

We think that the conjugal ill treatment of the couple first of all must be placed in the general context of the human aggressiveness and the disturbances that bear the living together because of the human drives of aggression and self-destruction (Fable, 1968). The experience and the data published in innumerable works tell us that it is a universal phenomenon, as much geographic as temporar, and is manifested independently of transcultural factors. In this sense it does not seem that it can be affirmed that it is a sad privilege of a certain social group.

A surprising and paradoxical fact is often the attitude of certain women towards their aggressor, arriving at inexplicable limits of tolerance, time and time again pardoning the aggressions, taking back interposed denunciations, justifying even the aggression of the other as a love expression. It seems to exist before the aggression a tendency, not necessarily exclusive in the woman, which from a psychoanalytic perspective could be compared to the defensive mechanism “denial”. The attacked one paradoxically ignores and denies the experienced abuse and painful outrage. One speaks even in relation with this tendency, of the syndrome of the ill treated woman, which characterizes itself by the indifference, passivity and lack of ability of the woman in using the social resources to confront the problem. It seems as if the ill treated woman tend to act in benefit of the aggressor and his impunity, maintaining the legal and affective bond with him, in spite of the serious consequences. We do not ignore, evidently, the economic and social components that have conditioned and sometimes still condition the maintenance of such relation of submission, but there exist cases that seem to escape such an interpretation and raise serious questions.

Sample of study and results

The study sample is of 10 women who in their pair relations have suffered ill treatments; it refers then to a group of ill treated women -(Mm, maltradadas= ill treated, ed.). Eight of them have suffered bad treatments of a physical type and all of them of a psychological type. To each one of them, in addition to the clinical interview, has been applied the Szondi test, eight times on the average, giving rise to 76 observations in total.

Although it is evident that the Szondian methodology privileges and prefers a clinical analysis, in each case individually, before taking care of a probable psychopathological problem here and now we will analyze the results of the group as a whole with the objective of establishing the profile that characterizes it.

We will compare these results as well with the normative group (1000 Hungarian healthy adults) of Szondi (1955), as with the normative group (750 healthy adult inhabitants of Navarre) of Soto Yárritu (1953). Our work hypothesis is simple:

· first of all we believe that the Szondian model will allow us to know the underlying conflicting dynamics of the relation with ill treatment, revealing the specific testological signs and differentials of our clinical study group of study.

· As far as the normative data, we will obviously use those of Soto, as it refers to a Spanish population, but it is worth the trouble to indicate "the unexpected coincidence of the average frequency of the Navarro population with the one of the Hungarians in 62 of 64 vectorial pictures "(Szondi, 1970, p.398). The few significant differences must be attributed, according to Soto, to educative, religious and cultural factors (greater index of fidelity (d- m+), in the Navarros of the years 50, than in the Hungarian population).

· A last observation: of the 16 possible combinations between the reactions to the two factors of each vector (+, -, 0, ±), we will only consider in our tables the percentage superior to 5%, to be considered as most significant of our experimental group.

This represents for each vector the following percentage of groupreactions: Sexual Vector, 82,1%; Contact Vector, 69,3%; Paroxysmal Vector (Affect), 73,2%; and Sch Vector (Yo), 70,6%.

Vector S

The Sexual vector is very important in the study of our group where disturbances and conflicts took place, which influence the sexual and affective area. The analysis of the vectorial reactions, which we present in table 1, refers basically to the dialectic relationship between Eros (factor h) and Thanatos (factor s), that is to say, between the life force and the death force, or in other words, between tenderness and aggressiveness, essential components of the human sexuality.

Table 1. Sexual Vector. Percentage of the vectorial configurations > 4%

h s

VECTOR S: Perfil del Primer Plano


Soto Yárritu


Difer. AB-SY

+ -





+ +





+ ±





+ 0






(+ -) This is the most frequent in our group study, with a % three times superior to the group norms of the Soto. It is a sign of total passivity in the people who give this reaction. If the tendency is hypertrophied (s -!) one can suspect masochistic inclinations, of absolute submission, which happens in 4 of the 10 ill treated women (Mm) of our sample. The

hypertrophy in factor (s) is, in effect, concentrated in 4 cases, with a 33% of reactions, the reason for which these people can with all probability be considered "masochistic "

(+ +) Normal adult healthy sexuality, (16.5% more frequent in the normative population of Soto).

(+ ±) Normal sexuality, but with a touch of passivity and masochism (more frequent 5.8% in our group).

(+ 0) The necessity for tenderness is expressed in an infantile way (5.9 more frequent in the Soto).

In the PCE (EKP= Experimental background profile ed.) (table 2) the configuration (+ -) of Vector S is repeated in a significant proportion (20,5%), which means that the passive masochistic characteristic is firmly based in the women who present this configuration. Also appears the opposite configuration to the previous one (- +), sign of latent, not solved nor elaborated aggressive sexuality that in some cases transforms itself into the opposite of what they show to the outside (passivity, masochism) and instead in social and humanitarian activities (sadohumanism).

It is the case of a woman of our group that dedicated a great part of her life to the care of her father, which generated conflicts with the mother, who was the first to ill treat her, long before her own husband.

Table 2. Percentage of the vectorial configurations > 5% of the PCE


Perfil Complementario Experimental. Resultados Alarcón-Bachs.


+ -


- +


+ 0


0 –


0 0


- -



- +


+ +


+ 0


+ -


- 0


0 0


± 0



- 0


+ -


+ 0


- +


- -


± -


± 0



- +


- ±


- -


+ ±


0 ±


0 +


Vector C

We can observe the results of Table 3 that emphasize three configurations over the rest, although they are little different from those of Soto. In all of them annotation of (m) is (+), which indicates a load in the factor of dependency and orality, that causes the individuals themselves to glue to (hold on to) the affective objects, in a dependent and passive way.

d m

VECTOR C: Foreground Profile > 5%


Soto Yárritu


Difer. AB-SY

0 +





- +





+ +






1,8 / 3,6

3,0 / 2,4


3,4 / 4,0


(0 +) deficiency of interest in the search for new objects.

(- +) conflict and rejection of the drive for a new contact, more frequent in Soto. This one, as much as the previous reaction, corresponds to a type of dependent passive personality.

(+ +) more frequent in our group, this reaction is repeated in the PCE (EKP) and is indicative of a dispersed, double or plural contact. The subject shows the need to live in contact with two or more objects, as it is the case of people who oscillate between homosexuality and heterosexuality.

(+ ±/ ±+) More frequent are the tri-tendencial reactions in our group. The first one indicates an ambivalence or insecurity in relation to the old object, which impels to look for a new object. This is characteristic of the depressive state. The second however indicates attachment to the old object and doubts whether to the search or not for a new one.

Vector P

We observe in Table 4 that the two first reactions are almost identical to the average Szondi and slightly inferior to the results of Soto.

Tabla 4. Paroxysmal (affect) Vector. Percentages of the vector configurations

> 5%


VECTOR P: Foreground profile


Soto Yárritu


Difer. AB–SY

+ -





0 -





- -





± -





0 ±





(+ -) Sign of social conformity and emotional control in the Foreground Profile is a reaction formation against (- +) 9% and (- 0) 19,2%, which can be found in the PCE /EKP of our sample. In the background of the personality exist then aggressive drives with a Cainistic quality, which are not worked through or hidden by the superficial mask of the Kind Abel (6 of the cases of our sample).

(0 -) Tendency to conceal the emotions, specially the sexual ones.

(- - / ±-) Percentages slightly more elevated in our group and convergent in the PCE. (EKP) The first reaction indicates affective repression with sensations of anxiety and oppression. The second is frequent in neurotic subjects, it indicates guilt anxiety (in German: “Gewissens Angst” ed.) when confronted with the ethical dilemma: I hate – I want to atone.

(0 ±) Finally, this reaction, 7.2% more frequent in our group, expresses the moral dilemma that usually appears with hysteric complaints.

Sch (Ego)Vector

The vector of the Ego is very important, as much from the theoretical, psychoanalytic point of view as well as in clinical pathology, since schizophrenia is a typically human mental disease that affects the Ego. With this vector Szondi introduces in his system the great questions of

“Being” and “to Have”, and the psychological processes of identification, projection, participation and introjection.

In the sample Table 5 the group of Mm gives the reaction (– 0) which is 25.7% more frequent than in Soto’s group, a percentage that is reversed, in a negative sense in the reaction (- -), important differences that we must interpret.

Tabla 5. Vector del Yo. Percentages of the vector configurations > 5%

k p

VECTOR Sch: Foreground profile


Soto Yárritu


Difer. AB - SY

- 0





- +





- -





+ 0






(- 0) Sign of repression. The Ego drives away from conscience the undesirable representations (p0) and devaluate (k -) the primary invested objects. That is to say, the Ego denies any expression of desire, the satisfaction of which will be only obtained through the symptom. Characteristic of neurosis, this profile is typical – among other clinical problems - of individuals with sexual disturbances, and with inferiority feelings. Let us emphasize the high percentage in the group of Mm.

(- +) In this reaction, which we found reinforced in the PCE/EKP of our group (16,7%), (k) also is negative, which means that the Ego continues vetoing and inhibiting the desire that tends here to present itself. (p+). The subject has the unpleasant feeling to see his impulse being refrained and feels being abnormal, less endowed than the others. It is a profile that clinically also can be seen in the cases of sexual disturbances. Let us notice, nevertheless, that is not rare that the strongly inhibited subjects sometimes free themselves quite suddenly and brutally, rejecting the barriers that restricted them previously.

(- -) It is the profile of the adapted Ego, domesticated, which in the normal population of Soto appears more frequent 25.9%. The Ego invests in (attribute to) the Other omnipotence

(p -). the Other is and has the Phallus. It is the Other who wishes. “I do not want anything of what the other wishes”. Profile (k- p-) is typical of the man in the street. (Alltagsmensch), who lacks creativity and initiative, is "adapted, mediocre, without enthusiasm and without illusion, tamed, routine worker, and a pillar of society "(Szondi). Let us emphasize that our group only gives a 10.3% of reactions of this type. This means that an elevated percentage of Mm does not project (p -) its desires and destructive tendencies in the Other. We deal here with hipo-paranoic persons who lack the defensive resource of the projection. Therefore, they are more vulnerable to the attacks of the ill doer who looks for and needs subjects that fit or contain their projections (Dutton, D.G. and Golant, S.K., 1977).

(+ 0) Although the percentage is low, this configuration is more frequently (6,9%) in the group we studied than in Soto. It is sign of total introjection (egocentrismo), that is to say, of the tendency of the Ego to incorporate ersatz, something that replaces the primary object with all its virtues. Clinically it appears in the narcissistic upheavals, and especial in the cases of perversion (fetishism, exhibitionism, sadomasochism, etc.).

Conclusions. The Szondi profile of the ill treated woman

Summarizing the results observed in the vectorial configurations we can extract, provisionally in table 6, the Szondi profile of the ill treated woman which presents the following structure:

Tabla 7. Perfil de personalidad de la mujer maltratada





















In this profile we observed, in relation to the group norms of Soto, coinciding and differential aspects.

The coincidences occur in the factors (h+, hy -, k -, and m+), which we comment briefly.

The tendency (h+) indicates a moderate search of erotic satisfaction, a desire for union and fusion. It is a normal reaction when it is not accentuated (h+!), which indicates sexual frustration.

(hy-) is the most frequent reaction in the normal population. It indicates adhesion to the moral values, modesty, conformism, moderate fear of what people will say. It works like an emotional barrier in the people who have difficulties to express their affection. Hipertension (hy!) means the fear to express desires on the part of the individual which he represses and make him feel morally guilty.

(k-) is the tendency to negativism that is put into the service of the reality principle. The Ego says no to the immediate pleasure, adapting itself to the exigencies of the reality contrary to those of the It. Exasperated (k -!) gets a negativistic quality with rejection of the world, of the others and of life (iconoclastic, nihilistic, suicidal reactions which are developed in the extreme in the catatonic patient).

(m+) means to fasten oneself to the other, to want to be accepted, to look for security. It can be considered as a normal reaction in the sense that the subject manifest by factor (m) the primary need, which is the base of his existence. This something has to do evidently with the first invested objects, especial in the mother and what she represents being the basic object of support. An Object that is very important to have, because it contains and it maintains. Accentuated (m+!) indicates a passive oral dependency in a person with a low frustration level. Before the danger to lose this basic object, it can be that the subject - uncertain, frustrated, depressed - only lives to maintain it at all costs, to the detriment of all the other objects.

The differential aspects of our group of study specially occur in factor (s) of the Sexual Vector and in the factor (p) of the Sch (Ego)Vector.

In the Sexual Vector, the sum of configurations (S + -) and S (+ ±) is of 57.7% against 22.6% in Soto and 19.3% in Szondi, which is characteristic, as we saw in the analysis of the results in the Vector S, of a passive, submissive personality and in certain cases clearly masochistic.

Our conclusion points out then that a significant number of women who have been victims of ill treatment in the course of a stable affective relation display a pattern of personality characterized basically by masochism. This pattern confirms itself by a look at the reactions of the group of Mm in the Sch (Yo) Vector and the Contact Vector. In effect, Yarritu Soto (1953, p. 235), with regard to the study of a clinical case, indicates that the primary syndrome of masochism is presented in the following way: (s -, d -, m+, k-, p+/0), that is to say, passivity, conservatism, dependency, repression and negation. In the profile of Mm of table 6 there appear 4 indeed of these 5 reactions: (s -, m+, k-, p0). Refering to the factor d, the reaction 0 of our group is not very remote of the meaning of (d-) (conservatism) since (d0), by being associated to (m+), usually indicates that there exist no tension (drivingpower) as for a search for an object.

Our hypothesis, to the light of these results, is that this pattern of personality of ill treated women would give reason to the affective tendency to choose violent and aggressive individuals. This is of course an unconscious process by which the woman, who with a very high probability in her pair relation will be ill treated, manifests that she is attracted by sadistic individuals.

Because in them she catches her own denied (k -) and projected (p -) tendencies. In the PCE/EKP these sadistic tendencies, denied but real and active, and definitively responsible for her choice of a love object with such negative consequences, appear like an existence possibility. The psychological process, that must be analyzed in the future investigations more thoroughly as much theoretically as empirically, can be enunciated briefly of the following way:

The Ego of the ill treated woman Mm deny-project tendencies that return of the outside in the form of attraction. We found in a clinical case of Szondi the argument in favor of this interpretation:

The election of her perverse sadistic husband is directed by the displacement of this hidden sadistic figure, who exist in her own psychic background. She chose this sadist because she bears in herself an existential figure of a sadistic murderer”

(mentioned by Bequeathable, 1979, p.183).

Epilogue with regard to Szondi psychodiagnostic.

Our work of investigation, which we continue at the moment and of which we have given an advance in this article, allows us to verify alive (in vivo) the complexity of human psychology in the material of affective tropism. The Freudian principle of the transition “normal –pathologic” and the crystal principle is clearly manifested by way of the Szondi diagnosis.

The quantity of the selections personalizes this principle, showing us how the psychic structure of the human being is essentially put on an uncertain foundation since it is constituted of potentially morbid drive tendencies, all present in each one of us.

The normal state is nothing else than an balance, a more or less relative and unstable harmony between different pathological possibilities. In the same way, in an inverse sense, we can say that the pathological state reveals itself when that harmony itself breaks down.

Our investigation, focused on a clinical group of ill treated women, has intended to discover the average profile of the personality characteristics typical for this group, without denying the existential differentiated individuality, in other words the probability that each subject has negotiated its vital life circumstances out of different forms, making specific an unique and unrepeatable reality (profile of the group versus the individual profile).

The fundamental question, in the context of our investigation, has been the possibility of observing what a certain specific problematic relation – the ill treated person in the pair relation - has fundamentally to do with the danger of a drive located in the Vector S and with the Sch (Yo) Vector.

The latter having the privilege to elaborate the remaining drives, in one way by means of the defense mechanisms, and in another way by producing the splitting (escisión) of the drive according to the processes that we know: inflation (p+), introjection (k+), negation (k -) and projection (p -).

From the Szondi optics, the attraction and rejection are fundamental processes in the problematic conflict of the partners, between whom where ill treatment takes place, are the work of the Ego that assumes and integrates (k+), or reject and denies (k -). As we have stated and commented in the analysis of results, our hypothesis is the following one:

The drive danger of the ill treated woman is the high degree of her passive-masochistic tendency (S + -), that makes her reject in herself the vital and aggressive component of her sexuality. The Ego which denies, (k -) would be nevertheless the final responsible (instance) in charge of the amorous election of the aggressive companion by choosing in the outside what it denies and ignores in its own interior.


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c 1996-2000 Leo Berlips, JP Berlips & Jens Berlips, Slavick Shibayev