L. Szondi

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Martin Achtnich.used the Szondi factors to create a new vocational test based on Szondis theory. In his test he used pictures to show work- situations, arranged in eight groups, each corresponding with one of the 8 Szondi factors. Note:1.


Achtnich was forced to adapt his test instructions and textbook to a group, who had only limited psychiatric or clinical  knowledge. For these readers he therefore did not use the original Szondi designations, which were based on psychiatric syndromes. Instead he introduced his test in an easier to understand and more everyday language,. For instance where Szondi used the formulation factor (e) for the personality characteristics belonging to the group of epileptic patients, Achtnich described the same characteristics by giving it the name: the Social Engagement factor, a name he abbreviated into (S) instead.  By such changes the Szondi factors became much easier to understand for a much larger public.


In his description of this factor Achtnich also interpreted in a more positive way a specific tendency of this S factor. I think that even experienced Szondi workers will find it worth while reading his positive interpretation of - ,what Szondi originally called    the (e -) tendency  - and to which Achtnich gave the name: Senergy, abbreviated Se,.


Achtnich’s  use of a more everyday language made the introduction to the theory of Szondi easier to understand. Moreover for Industrial psychologists, working with  selection tests, his personality descriptions make it easier to present their conclusions to their employers! Ed.


The Factor S  (Szondi e; need for S/ocial engagement).

Martin Achtnich pointed out as for the factor factor S(ocial), Szpndi´s e(pilepsy)  factor.

one has to separate the thought that social engagement exclusively belongs to the  social or medical professions.  Also a rebel can have a sense of social responsibility, for instance by adhering to a concept of a better social order.  With this confrontation one can already show the two opposite tendencies belonging to the S factor. (Szondi  e +;  ´Social Worker, and the e -;  Rebel. Ed.)


 These tendencies have different consequences as for reference to the type of occupation quality  and must be treated separately.  Also in our  occupational test material they had to be separated.  We  differentiate the Sh (helper, e+ ) = the occupations involving social welfare and medical assistance, from  the Se = (the energy group, e -). Occupations in the latter are characterised by the qualities:  Energy – Courage – Perseverance and Mobility.


The Sh person  (e + ) is the brother of the Se person (e - ):  Szondi calls them “Abel and Kain” - see Note 2.  They are different, but there exist an internal relationship and an internal connection. Some persons carry both aspects inside themselves and change in their behaviour from Sh (e+)to Se (e-) or reversed.



Factor Sh = (e + )

Helpfulness, need, to do good. To involve oneself, to  help, to heal, to take care for.


Factor Se = mental energy. (Szondi´s- factor)

Dynamics, Courage, Penetration, need to be Independent,  need of Movement and need to change location.


Characteristic for him is his need for change:  he suddenly can come from a calm situation into an extremely tension-loaded one.  He can accumulate his annoyance for a long time, in order then to unload suddenly his accumulated energy in impulsive actions.  The internal tension is often discharged physically by walking up and down, and violent movements etc.  He feels continuously and easily restricted - he needs space, and travels gladly.   He looks for taking risks  He loves the unexpected and the surprise.  He is also ready to jump into uncertain adventures.  He feels attracted by everything that moves.  Water, fire, air are the nature elements he prefers. He looks for tensions, the polarities:  High and depth, minus and positive contrasts, the tensions of electricity, Good and Evil.  He is engaged in social problems, is a social critic and social fighter.  He looks for concrete solutions.


While the attitude of engagement and helpfulness (Sh) is characterised by a certain

" peace ", occasionally even a cautious passivity, in contrast the Se factor person shows  “controlled Agitation”. " In the overcoming of the difficulties he finds satisfaction. 


The Se (e - ) personality is fulfilled of an internal drive.  Revolutionaries and Hotheads belong to this group. The activity and energy of revolting, impulsivity, the will to revolt, all these qualities belong to the factor Se.  (the “idea” behind the revolt however belongs to (Achtnicht’s  factor):  “Geist.” Szondi:  p factor).

These vocational fields all have in common  a energetic and dynamic quality. Here exist the possibility to satisfy energetic needs and desire to experience joy in mastering strange energies. 


Note 1. (The e factor is a part of the Paroxysmal Vector, one of the four main drives in  Szondis “Drivesystem”. Ed.)


Note 2. Szondi: (e-) The “Kain”  tendency refers to the fact that the individual lets his raw affects (anger, rage, revenge) accumulate, for then suddenly to discharge them like an explosion (paroxysmal).  " tendency to do evil, i.e. to accumulate rage, hate, anger, revenge, unfairness, intolerance

The second  tendency, (e+)  “Abel”  tendency is  characterized  by  the  fact that  the  individual " socializes " his primitive needs , converts them in an opposite direction, into ethical efforts, " Religiosity ". in  Fate analysis p. 514.

" tendency to the good, to have collective justice, tolerance, to take care, helpfulness, to be “religios.  In Fate analysis p. 76


Szondi speaks of the pair of opposite drive tendencies, 1) “On the Stage” (Vordergrund)  and when repressed  2) “Behind the stage” (Hintergrund). in Fate analysis p. 264.  Both tendencies belong according to Szondi together and  are  tendencies of the same ethical

( e ) factor: 

Kain tendency:  .

"Abel tendency: (e + ).




Martin Achtnich: Der Berufsbilder Test

Projektives Verfahren zur Abklärung der Berufsneigung

Verlag Hans Huber Bern Stuttgart Wien


Zu diesem Buch:


Motivationen, Interessen, "Neigungen" abzuklären und herauszufinden ist seit jeher einer der schwierigen und widerspruchsvollen Aspekte im berufsberaterischen Alltag.  Offensichtlich bewähren sich diejenigen neigungsdiagnostischen Verfahren am besten, die aus der Küche von berufsberaterischen Praktikern stammen.  Auch der hier vorliegende Berufsbildertest von Dr. Martin Achtnich entstand in jahrelanger Forschungsarbeit, zunächst durch den Autor allein, später unter Beziehung von Kolleginnen und Kollegen. 


Die konsequente Verwendung der Szondi-Systematik als Grundlage bietet einen neuartigen Ansatz, ebenso die fotografischen Aufnahmen aus der Berufswelt.


 Der Berufsberater erhält damit ein Instrument zur Neigungsabklärung, das den Rahmen des Sprachlichen sprengt und zusätzliche Wahrnehmungsbereiche erfasst: wohl Gründe für die recht grosse Verbreitung, welche die Vorfassung des Tests in der schweizerischen Berufsberaterschaft bereits gefunden hat.  Die Bilder haben einen unmittelbaren Aufforderungscharakter, erlauben eine gleichsam "spielerische" Testsituation, sprechen auch gehemmte und im sprachlichen Ausdruck ungeübte Klienten an und können, im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Neigungstests, auch bei fremdsprachigen Probanden verwendet werden. 


Die Konfrontation mit den eigenen Bilderwahlen und die Auseinandersetzung damit ermöglichen dem Probanden eine rasche Übersicht und Einsicht in seine eigene Interessenstruktur und machen allfällige Widersprüche deutlich.  So kann das Verfahren dem Testleiter als ausgezeichnete Gesprächsgrundlage dienen.


Ein kurzer Blick in das Buch lässt schon ahnen, wie vielschichtig und oft eng verknüpft mit der jeweiligen persönlichen Eigenart des Klienten sich die Welt der Neigungen und Motivationen darbietet und wie sehr es notwendig ist, diesen komplexen Sachverhalten ein differenziertes und breit angelegtes Instrument zur Diagnostik gegenüberzustellen.  Hier nun liegt ein solches vor, das - gestützt auf ein theoretisches Konzept und eine wissenschaftliche Normierung - dem an der Erfassung der Berufsneigungen interessierten Psychologen und Berufsberater nützliche Hilfe leisten wird.


Verlag Hans Huber Bern Stuttgart Wien------------------------------------------------

© 1996-2002 Leo Berlips, JP Berlips & Jens Berlips, Slavick Shibayev